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Caution and Disclaimer

All the material in this web-site is mine to distribute. Except as noted, I have written most of it.

In another sense it is already the property of all men. There is nothing here that has not already been shared without any explicit restriction. And it is merely presentation, interpretation, application of documents, principles, and law that belong to all of us.

What use you, the reader, make of it is beyond my control and, maybe, none of my business. I cannot be responsible for the results. I grant permission to share any of it, but only unaltered and with full attribution.

But I urge you to be careful, especially with legal or quasi-legal documents like the Ordinances and By-Laws. They are the fruit of much legal study, human experience, and pondering.

I saw a revision of one of these Ordinances made by a well-meaning patriot, who added a lot of what I call chest-beating. Lots of mostly true but angry and hostile-sounding rhetoric, and a carpet-bag of sonorous but irelevant added legal citations.. Perhaps that would play well in front of a room-full of angry, but not very sober patriots. But would a governing body ever vote for such a document? What is the goal here? Neither the hard words nor off-the-wall citations made it any more lawful or enforceable.

Beware, an attempt to pass one of these Ordinances that fails, will probably seriously chill the whole process and diminish our chances of restoring our Republic. Conversely, each success will accelerate the process. A militia that gets recognition, but then does not have the leadership, character, or training to truly support and protect its community and defend the law, will badly damage the credibility of our whole movement, and ultimately empower the totalitarians.

I hope any of you who are planning to apply this material will honor me with the opportunity to kick the process around with you, as you tailor it to the needs and character of your community. I can help answer any questions your own folks, or members of your governing body, may ask.

I wrote many of these while I was part of the Tactical Civics organization, and they refer to it. I still recommend it, for those who can get along with its highhanded founder and ignore his few angry blind-spots.. A companion organization to the Militia is necessary in each community, but there are other ways than an official TC Chapter.

You are on your own…But we are all in this together.

Model ORDINANCE SECURING THE U.S. CONSTITUTION and ESTABLISHING AND WELL-REGULATING MILITIA in the County/Municipality of________________________________, in the State of ____________________ (Rev 27)

This is the version for the State of Virginia. Please ask for the version customized to the constitution and statutes of your State)

(Model Grand Jury Ordinance (Rev 5))

6 Grand Jury Handout

7 An American Mititiaman’s Handbook, 2nd Edition Feb 2023

8 Model By-Laws for Constitutional Militia (Rev 11 22)

9 Model speech to introduce Militia Ordinance (“Call for..) (Rev 09)

10 Ordinance FAQ (5 22)

11 Readiness-for-Ordinance checklist (12 22)

12 Readinesss-for-ordinance skills addendum

13 OFR packet for legislators

14 Mission to America by David Zuniga He might get mad if I gave it away. You can buy it on Amazon.https://www.amazon.com/Mission-America-Seven-Week-Tactical-CivicsTM/dp/B09YHFLK6X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3GBKKTNNBR5NJ&keywords=Mission+to+America+Zuniga&qid=1672931526&s=books&sprefix=mission+to+america+zuniga%2Cstripbooks%2C1311&sr=1-1

..used to be able to download it free on his site

Here are a few links to videos or othe resources:

Dan Abbott of Campbell County Va, talking about his very impressive and inspiring experience, and another by Dan

3rd Annual American Freedom Rally Kanawha Valley Arena Dugspur VA September 2024 John Leyzorek full recorded speech. securetheserights.net livestream footage https://www.youtube.com/live/1G6hr9nWbI4?si=bfACI1wtRvSzoTNa If you would like to support our efforts Soup Mama Official Cash App$ https://cash.app/$SoupMamaOfficial Soup Mama Official Venmo https://www.venmo.com/u/soupmamaofficial Soup Mama Official PayPal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/soupmamaofficial Zelle. Zelle@SoupMamaOfficial.com #soupmamaofficial #eatmoresoup #cometothetable #convoy #convoykitchen #TheyWorkForUs #WeMoveAsOne #WeThePeople #walkasfreepeople #crushingthenarrative #wewillALLbethere #holdtheline #loudmajority

♬ original sound – soupmamaofficial
This link takes you to a speech I gave in Virginia in Fall of 2024