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- Securetheserights NEWS
The new, slightly revised and enlarged Second Edition of my book, An American Militiaman’s Handbook, is now available through booksellers, including https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/an-american-militiamans-handbook-john-m-leyzorek/1143136835?ean=9798218157227
- Send me a report about your new group, your training event, link to a local news story praising (or dissing) your activities, your progress toward Ordinance passage…anything you feel may be of interest to this community.
News is most interesting and useful if it is complete and identifiable, but if you want names and locations ommited from the report published here, I can do that. But I need to know the details so I can be sure the story is true. - NEWS FLASH! www.securetheserights.net web-site FINALLY goes live on 15 December 2022 (Bill of Rights Day)! (we all thought it would never happen)
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